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Before classes start for the year, get in touch with your school for an early discussion of their allergy friendly snack policies and staff training.
Inquire about their food allergy emergency plan, make sure they are aware of your child's allergy, and provide your contact information and necessary medical information and medication in case of any questions
Once the school year starts, work with your child's teachers on avoiding allergen exposure, identifying ingredients and recognizing allergic reaction symptoms
It may be helpful to provide a supply of allergy friendly snacks for school parties or other events
Request advance notice of any field trips so you can plan ahead in terms of food and medications
On the home front, make sure your child is always equipped with medication, safe, allergy friendly after school snacks, and resources.
To assist teachers and school staff better understand how to manage your child's food allergies, we have developed a couple of helpful resources with important facts and tips. Our Survival Guide and Food Allergy Infographic are symptoms. Print these out for your child's teacher to have on hand and share with other parents to help spread awareness and education.