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It’s the most wonderful time of the year: temperatures may be low, but holiday spirit is high. And winter break is coming up! Who else loves a nice long break after working hard all year? ???? Between holiday shopping, festivities and eating (way) too much food gluten-free dessert, it’s nice to relax and spend quality time with family and friends. Looking for some fun activities to pass the time? We’ve got you covered. Here are some of our favorite winter pastimes. Check back every day for more fun ideas!
Breakfast for Dinner
The best part about winter break? No schedule! Yep – no waking up early for school or work and no sitting at a desk all day! Want to stay in PJs all day? Go for it. Want gluten-free pancakes for dinner? Why not! Celebrate the season with some festive pancakes or waffles and eat dinner in your pajamas. Don’t forget the vegan chocolate chips! Find delicious breakfast recipes here!
Give Back to the Community
You hear us say this all the time, but our community means the world to use and we love you all like family. During this season, it can be easy to get swept up in the holiday craze and festivities, but it’s important to give back when you can! Round up a bunch of your old toys or clothes, or buy new ones and donate to a local charity – a little bit can go a long way! Or, donate allergy-friendly snacks to a food bank so that everyone can eat freely this holiday season.
Holiday Movie Night
December is a fun month, because there are so many fun and festive movies on TV. Pick a handful of your favorites and camp out on the couch with your family for a holiday movie marathon. Make a delicious snack mix with our Plentils, Mini Chips and Seed & Fruit Mix and some dairy-free hot chocolate for a snack!
DIY Gift Boxes
Need to wrap some gifts this month? We thought so, and we’ve got a great DIY hack for you this holiday season! If you’re anything like we are here at Enjoy Life, you love gluten-free cookies. Instead of recycling your cookie boxes, use them for gift boxes! They’re the perfect size for White Elephant gifts or smaller presents. And they make those gifts all the more sweet! ;)