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Celiac Awareness Month only lasts through the month of May, but the importance of educating others on the gluten-free lifestyle never goes away. Whether you’re newly diagnosed with Celiac disease or Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity or you’ve been living gluten-free for several years, Chef Kendra is sharing some helpful tips for keeping a gluten-free kitchen. Use these tips at home and share with your friends and family to help promote awareness!
When you are newly diagnosed, it’s not the end of the world! For every food you think you aren’t able to have any more there are so many things you CAN have! Here are some of my favorite tips to get you started:
- Start studying and get inspired! Get yourself some new cookbooks, start following some gluten-free bloggers and look at some interesting Instagram accounts for recipe ideas.
- Clean out your pantry and start new!
- GET IN THE KITCHEN and start off simple. Remember that fruits and vegetables are gluten-free!
- Find brands that you trust so you can easily go to the store and grab things that are safe for you to eat. Spokin is a great way to discover new brands.
- Make sure your family and anyone who lives with you understands why it’s important to keep your kitchen safe for you.
- Research restaurants that know how to cook gluten-free so you have safe places to eat. Spokin and Find Me Gluten-Free are great options for this.
- When you go to events or dinner parties, be sure to tell your hosts that you are gluten-free and ask if they feel comfortable cooking safely for you. If not bring your own and make everyone jealous of your delicious food. 😉
- Know that you’ll need to play around with recipes to find what works best for you, subbing gluten-free flours for all-purpose flour takes a little finessing but you’ll find your groove in no time!