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It’s that time of year again! Equipped with sharpened #2 pencils and color-coordinated folders, kids everywhere are preparing for an exciting new school year. The Back-to-School season also presents a fresh opportunity for Celiac Disease Foundation Student Ambassadors to find their voice and confidently educate their peers about celiac disease.

Contribute to CDF Research and Get Free Enjoy Life Foods Swag
This Back-to-School season, Enjoy Life has partnered with the Celiac Disease Foundation to make a positive impact. Register as a CDF Student Ambassador through September 15 and receive an Enjoy Life hat, t-shirt, coupons for delicious products, helpful resources, and more! Already a proud CDF Student Ambassador? Raise $100 for critical celiac disease research through September 15 and receive an Enjoy Life hat, t-shirt, coupons for delicious products, helpful resources, and more!
Kick-start the School Year by Becoming a CDF Student Ambassador
Harness the momentum of a new school year by joining the CDF Student Ambassador Program and play a crucial role in shaping the future of celiac disease.
Visit CDF to Become a Student Ambassador.
*Through September 15, use the code CDFSTUDENT to get $25 off your Student Ambassador membership!*