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May is Celiac Disease Awareness Month AND is when Food Allergy Awareness Week happen. So basically, it is our favorite month of the year! We love sharing gluten free and allergy friendly recipes, lifestyle hacks and other fun content all year long, but we always want to ramp it up this time of year.
The important call-outs for this month are in the names – Celiac Disease AWARENESS Month and Food Allergy AWARENESS Week. This is a time to step up and get the word out there. Promote celiac disease and food allergy education, whether that be in your own family and friends circle, or beyond! Be your own advocate. Put thoughts into action and help educate others on how they can help you and others with dietary restrictions feel confident and empowered to eat freely and enjoy life!
With this in mind, we partnered with the Celiac Disease Foundation and FARE to bring you two helpful guides with important facts and tips for living with food allergies and celiac disease. Print these out or send them to your family, friends and coworkers to provide them with more information on your lifestyle. Share them out with your local support group, or re-share on social! Our community is already so special, and together we can grow awareness and continue to build our community!
Click HERE to download the Celiac Disease guide.
Click HERE to download the Food Allergy guide.